
Choosing between mobile advertising and mobile app as your mobile strategy

The time has arrived and are you ready. It is no secret that right from the launch of our Mobile App Service on CashDoctor.Biz its founder and CEO, Rob Stehlin, kept sending the same rather aggressive sounding message to all business owners - "Go Mobile or Go Home".
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Mobile first - an interesting blog post by Benedict Evans

In a sea of information availability is of far less importance than recommended content from a source you trust. One example we came upon rather recently is Benedict Evans' blog. "Mobile first" is a concept touted a lot, but you will not find many blog posts to reach top google search position - Benedict’s take on mobile first is one such example.
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Toynami App - indulging nostalgia made easy

More and more customers rely on the online - to shop, read news, pay services, etc. Increasingly, smartphones can be found at the forefront of a change in mentality that seems to able to imprint even older generations.
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11 articles  4 pages